Saturday, August 1, 2009

This Blog Needs Som Lurve

I figured maybe another template change would help things out. Seriously, though, I suppose I should post more to this blog.

Lately, I've had a bit of a dry spell on the creating jewelry department; although I do have PLENTY of pieces made and ready to go to new homes, so I suppose that would be a good thing, eh?

I'm not complaining, but I'm actually curious as to why my Swarovski Star earrings aren't selling like I thought they would. They're cute, simple, and they only cost 8 bucks for the most part. Anyone got any ideas? Maybe I should raise the prices? Swarovski can cost a pretty penny; but that's not really my goal. Well, it is but it isn't. I'd love to make some money from my work (of course), but I'm not trying to kill people in this already horrid economy. Ah, well, we'll see around the holidays what comes.

As for the rosaries and spiritual jewelry I've been talking about. I have quite a few that I need to photograph -- which I will try to fit in during my vacation from the "day job".

Man, that photo up there just cracks me up. I mean I know that the lion is just about to have his lunch, but it so "Brokeback Mountain", I'm dying.

In September, I'm starting to do different blog articles in my various blogs. The first one in this one will be something about Swarovski, I think. Yes, I'm obsessed with the pretty sparklies, why do you ask? As well, if you have any ideas about what you'd like to know about jewelry, stones, relgious/spiritual jewelry, just drop that line over at

Okie dokie smokies? Wow, corny much?


Memories for Life said...

Yay! I can comment now :)
I love the new yellow layout and the pics at the top!


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